September 15, 2010

thx FB I totes ♥ u!

I have a short memory. Getting shorter as I get older and perhaps shorter due to technological advances. Texting and tweeting and much information to absorb in such small periods of time! When I am on Facebook I get a glimpse of one of my many facebook friends via news feed, or on the left of my profile where my 'friends' sit. Or perhaps Facebook wants to remind me of this person by putting something on the right of my news feed telling me to reach out and message this person, write on their wall perhaps. Or maybe it's their birthday and their name just sits there begging me to click on it and write warm, heartfelt wishes. I sometimes say 'oh, that person! I forgot about them, where have they been hiding' or I see an old crush of mine, or someone I hooked up with or maybe shared a beer or two in the past and think 'hmmm, what are they up to now' or  'wow, they are still kinda hot, maybe I should comment on their status'. What is my point you ask? Well a visual goes a long way. Without that reminder I probably wouldn't think of many of these people, wouldn't remember their names, or moments we shared as clearly without this visual reminder. So, as much as I am critical of Facebook for taking away those human moments, in this regard, Facebook long as we take the hint and do something about it.

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