September 22, 2010

Sometimes there IS something wrong, mkay!

Yesterday, I woke up anxious, I hadn't slept well but didn't know why I would be anxious. I thought maybe it was a full moon or something. I asked my friends on msn: 'do you feel weird today?' 'is there something in the stars?' As the minutes went by, I started feeling worse and worse. Soon there was chest pain and then my left arm started to go jaw was tense and of course I got more and more anxious about these symptoms and more and more anxious about being anxious. After much googling of said symptoms, I texted my nurse friend who told me that she couldn't diagnose me via text so I ran around the corner to my doctor (yes, I live around the corner from my doctor) and told them I might be having a heart attack  --  well, they saw me right away (tip for never waiting -- although I do not condone lying). As soon as I entered the office, the tears began to flow, I was embarrassed but I couldn't control them! So dramatic! The nurse took my vitals (everything was fine) and then gave me an ECG (Elektrokardiogramm) making me feel like Frankenstein lying on the table -- all these wires attached to my bare legs and chest about to become alive -- Alive -- ALIVE! I knew I was feeling better when it occurred to me that I should have worn a nicer bra and perhaps put on deodorant but in my panicked state, these things did not seem important. The ECG showed everything was fine. It seems I had just another garden variety, anxiety attack, my little ticker was A-Ok. So on the way home I stopped at the liquor store and bought myself a nice bottle of red, went home, poured a large glass and celebrated, well, me. To my good health! Cin cin!


  1. I have had similar experience, running to doctor saying I was having a stroke and just had an anxiety attack. The symptoms are so similar !
    Hope u feel better!

  2. yah, it's pretty scary! Thanks, I'm all better!

  3. Oh my god, you ARE the female Woody Allen, aren't you?
    Love you!
