September 25, 2010

The age of content

Lately I've been obsessed with aging. And when I say lately, I mean the last 10 years.  I have been thinking about it more though recently.  I'm not sure if that's because I just had a birthday or because of too many 'tag-alongs' to the botox man with my friend, or too many mirrors in my house, or more likely having really young friends and part-time lovers. Whatever the reason, I think about it often. When I see a celebrity on television or in a magazine that I say to myself 'hmmm, she looks good',  I google her to see how old she is. Cate Blanchet, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Watts, Heather Graham, Uma Thurman, Jennifer Connolly, Gwen Stefani, Rachel Weisz....whew, all older than I am. For some reason, that makes me feel better.