September 9, 2010

More thoughts on Facebook

Sometimes I can't think of anything clever to write after someone's comment on my status or photo or what have you.  I can always click 'i like' but what's the proper etiquette? I don't want to make people feel bad by not commenting at all. I know how that feels when you make a comment on something, maybe you think it's funny or sweet or whatever. But you get nothing back. It feels mean. I mean, isn't this what sites like Facebook and twitter are for? To start a conversation? Why are people so cold? I know the answer of course, everyone does. They don't want to look stupid or they want to seem busy even though they wear their blackberry like a glove. They want to seem 'cool'. It's all insecurity. I get it. You can feel vulnerable when you 'put yourself out there'. But it's always worth it. Especially when you have as much to say as I do and especially when the things I have to say are usually hilarious. So, feedback or not, 'like this' or not, I'm not going to stop giving my opinion on, well, everything!

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