October 16, 2010

Oops my cougar is showing

I hung out with an old lover last night. Now when I say old, I mean in my past — not that this lover is old — but I'll get to that in a bit. We drank 2 and 1/2 bottles of wine and talked about our lives, mostly mine really as she is in a relationship and I'm single and swinging and therefore much more interesting. The subject of age came up as it inevitably does whenever I am anywhere these days and most especially when I spend time with old lovers 17 years my junior. — Ok, you know where I'm going with this right? The skin thing? No? You don't know what I'm referring to? Ok, well I'll fill you in. — Because of my recent intimacies with a younger demographic I have noticed the difference between the skin of a 21 year old and the skin of, say, a 35 year old. It's all in the elasticity, or lack there of. Now I have talked about this phenomena for years, but usually when I do people listen but never indulge me in my neurosis. But this time, my young former lover pinched my skin and said 'oh yah, I see what you mean'. [insert shocked face] I guess when they are not trying to bed me, or marry me, the truth finally rears it's fierce head. rawr.

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