October 7, 2010

Being nice is cool

Ok people. Another post about Facebook. I'm all in a tizzy. And I'm going to tell you why. When I take the time out of my very busy, hectic schedule (pause for laughter)......ok, are you done?...So when I take a moment and write on your wall or comment on your status or photo or invite you to an event or what have you, I expect some sort of response. It's not a lot to ask. It really isn't. I mean why are we on Facebook anyway? Is it not to communicate? Is this not 'The Social Network'? Now, I understand if you are busy, but that is not my point. The point is 'selective' response. I see you comment on this but not that; RSVP to that invite, but not that one; update your status...but not address any comments on it. All you have to do is hit 'i like this' and if it's me you don't like, then why are we even Facebook friends to begin with? I don't know about you but I've been out of High School A LONG time and FYI, if this was high school,  I would be pretty popular obvs, so you'd better be nice, or someone might throw a Slushie in your face.

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