January 13, 2011

Mrs. Whittenberry: A cautionary tale

On my recent family trip to Maui, one evening we got on the topic of me and what I am doing with my life. You see, I am almost 40, single, with no steady job and no investments. [insert nervous laughter] My family is worried that I date too young, don't want to settle down in relationships and life and hardly have any money behind me. So, in order to help me my father told me this story of one Mrs. Whittenberry. It seems when my father was young, there was this old woman named Mrs. Whittenberry that he knew. Mrs. Whittenberry had worked as a housekeeper her whole life for the same man. She thought that this man would leave her a hefty sum when he died, so she never put money away or worried about the future. When he finally did die, she got nothing. My father felt badly for her and often visited her in her tiny home that she shared with her cat until she died, alone and penniless. This has been: Mrs. Whittenberry: A cautionary tale.


  1. so what are you doing to make sure this doesnt happen to u? ;)
