February 1, 2011

Have you heard of this little thing called spell check?

I cannot believe the amount of spelling mistakes I see on Facebook events and groups. I've seen words with extra letters in them like ammazing or artistist, not done for emphasis, just done wrong. I've seen many 'its' that should be 'it's'. Many uses of 'to' when it should be 'too' and 'there' when for god's sake it's 'their'! Perhaps if one is not good at spelling and grammar, they can have a friend read it before they hit 'post'? Hey, I sometimes make mistakes on this blog, don't get me wrong, I try as hard as I can, but it happens. But this is my personal blog, not a bar, not a restaurant, I don't need to be professional. It's embarrassing! It's laughable! People are laughing at your establishment! They are making up drinking games and getting trashed by the time they reach the venue address. Please, if not just for the sake of our livers...hire an editor.


  1. drag queens are THE WORST with spelling/grammar... seriously! observe, you'll see what i mean.

  2. Ok I will look. I mostly only see invites from Lesbians, and they are pretty terrible!

  3. y r u so meen jny wattsone? barrs in to r NT bad @ riting there event Invits u r just a Purfexinist!!!

    PS: I could not agree more and wish I had come up with that drinking game. I would be drunk right now.

  4. and we will play this game sometime!
