February 18, 2011


As most of you know I have a job now. A job that gets me up at 7:15am and off to commute in Toronto's transit. I take a bus, then a streetcar there and a bus and the subway back. It's kinda gross. I feel like I'm covered in germs by the time I'm in my office drinking my first coffee. I love the sunny mornings when I can cover my puffy eyes with sunglasses so I do not frighten the sleepy passengers. The glasses pull double-duty as they hide my weeping eyes from this cold winter. Oh, actually they serve another purpose: people watching, and the 9 to 5 commute just might be the best people watching in the city. The commute tells me a lot about people in a general way. Like for example, the closer I get to the downtown core, the nicer dressed the people are getting on the streetcar. And more specifically, how this middle-aged man likes to read a book called 'Streetwalkers' which upon glancing over his shoulder, I noticed words like 'garter, disease and bodice', while another man eats an apple and then opens the window of the streetcar and discards his fruit remains onto the frozen street. The one thing that I absolutely look forward to is the journey home. I sit by the window of the subway and as it starts to pull away I often lock eyes with someone standing on the platform. In that moment, I have fallen in love. Our entire love affair flashes before my eyes in those few seconds. Until the train pulls away and I'm on to the next.

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