November 18, 2010

and I am STILL the office gossip

It's 12:25pm.

I just ate some granola and fruit and yogurt. It was my lunch. Or maybe a second breakfast. The gap between the 2 was only a couple of hours. My blinds are open a slit. It looks chilly out. It's windy. The trees are making their whoosh sound. I have one browser tab open to, so I can listen to music. One on facebook, so I can see who is doing what and who is saying that. One on gmail, awaiting changes to a brochure I am working on. And this one, blogging about nothing.

You know those days when all you want to do is eat and watch porn? Well, I can do that! You know those days when it's chilly out so instead of going to the gym or a run you just clench your buttocks together while doing everything? From desk to couch, to standing in front of the sink doing dishes — I'm working on my fitness AND getting stuff done! You know those days when you call in sick but you are not sick, so you just hang out all cozy in your apartment, reading, drinking coffee, surfing the net (all while clenching your buttocks), well I can do that, everyday! Cause I'm self-employed baby and my boss is wonderful!