June 3, 2010

Help me Kenny Rogers

Something that really annoys me is when people don't do things right. Maybe it's the virgo in me, maybe it's my parent fault, or maybe I'm just a difficult bitch. Hard to say. When people use facebook when they should be on twitter is a problem. When you see a facebook post that has 'RT' in front of it, that's a retweet. Here is an example: RT @jennyiam: amazing show last night. Can't believe they did that for an encore.

Something else that plagues me is when I facebook someone and they text me back. Or vice versa. Now, I realize this is because we are all recieving these messages via mobile, but if you hit reply you are going to be using the same medium.  That just tells me you have waited to respond. Guess it makes you look cool. Guess what? It doesn't. 

So in closing all I have to say is: 

ohhhhhhhhhh you gotta know when to facebook, know when to tweet, know when to text, know when to phone.


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