July 4, 2011

I got a [gut] feeling

Sometimes one has brief moments of clarity while completely intoxicated. One such moment happened to me this Pride weekend. Picture it: Toronto, 2011, The Churchmouse and Firkin, 145am. I met my friend and filled her in on the events of my night up until this point. We then got talking about our lives, what's been going on in them, etc. She said to me 'The difference between you and I is that you don't listen to your gut feeling about people. You always try to see the good in people, even when there is none'. I thought about what she said, while drinking my 'last call' drink. I realized that she is right. I've met people in my life, a few in the last few years, that I had a gut bad feeling about but worked hard to ignore because it was convenient for me to cause they were sexy, or we had a ton of mutual friends and they were just always around. But when I look back, after they have flaked off, or stabbed me in the back or what have you, I remember the feeling was there from day 1. I never trusted them, I thought there was something 'off' about them. I was right all along! I'm so smart and intuitive! So, the question is what to do when I have this gut feeling again? Do I ignore this person completely? Do I nip our budding relationship in the bud? Do I stop sleeping with them? Do I just take from them what I need, not caring about their needs? Is it not human nature to give people many chances? And how many chances are too many? But the real important question here is: why can't everybody just be more like me?

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