October 21, 2010

Life's a journey

I went for a walk through the Fall leaves, kicking them to the beat in my head when suddenly one of the leaves took off in flight! It wasn't a leaf, it was a dragonfly! It buzzed by my head and for a second I thought maybe I should follow him, you know à la Harry Potter? Maybe he was leading me somewhere. Somewhere magical, somewhere mysterious, somewhere just for me. I imagined touching him with my index finger and by doing so he lifted me up and took me into the sky to begin our journey to our magical, fantasy land. But he just took me to No Frills. I bought some tomatoes, apples, milk and some crackers.


  1. Yeah, but it also could have taken you on a Pans Labrynth (sp?) type of adventure, and we all know how that ended!

  2. oh no, i never imagine scary journeys...I'm too silly for that! ;)

  3. ps: thanks for reminding me of that movie, now I"m scared remembering that eyes in hands scary creature...ah!
