November 10, 2010

New home oberservations

I love my new home. I really do. It's quite far west of where I used to be and although I poo poo the whole West vs. East stuff, there are some things that are worth mentioning. Now keep in mind, I'm not comparing the entire East and West, just my old home and my new one. I'll leave it up to you to decide if these are good or bad things.

1. They were playing The Cure at the Pricechopper yesterday. And old Cure, like Disintegration Cure.
2. The Westend YMCA is full of hot women as opposed to the downtown one, heavily populated with gay male gym bunnies. I was going to quit the Y and join a gym that was closer, but after going a few times and seeing what is there, I'll make the trek.
3. I saw a Centipede this morning in my kitchen. I never saw one in the East.
4. When I go for a jog or walk, I often smile or say hello to people. In the East, well, I didn't really jog cause there was too much traffic and if I went walking and said hello to someone, I'm pretty sure they thought there was something wrong with me.
5. Things are cheaper here.
6. I can't find any spicy olives!
7. There are 2 bakeries two blocks away from me. One on each side.
8. My downstairs neighbours are these young, cute, lesbians that I have never seen before.
9. I live near a railroad. Now you probably think this is bad, but actually this is good, cause I find railroads romantic and mysterious.
10. It's so quiet here
11. I can walk around naked here when the blinds are up as opposed to the old place, other than the odd time when I was feeling 'adventurous'.
12. My old place had a massaging showerhead
13. Everything is new here. I knew this for sure when I turned on the oven before removing its instructions from inside first. Oh, this is when I knew the smoke detector worked too.
14. I used to live right across the street from the Beer Store.
15. When I wake up in the morning and look up, I see my beautiful high ceiling that seems to go on forever and it makes me feel like anything is possible.


  1. I love you Elysia and Suan I don't know who you are but I'm sure you are lovely.
