June 25, 2011

No pun intended....I swear

I got caught in the rain riding my bike home from work yesterday. My first reaction was to pull over, seek shelter, wait it out, which I did. I stood under an awning, wiping water off my cheeks, watching other cyclists and cars go by. I took off my rain spotted sun glasses and put them in my basket. I suddenly felt lonely, felt small. I thought, fuck it, I'm just gonna go for it. I got back on my bike and at first rode slowly trying not to get splashed from my fender-less back wheel up onto my behind and back. Bikers started passing me  — I sped up a bit — and could hear the whirring sound of water coming off my back wheel and onto my ass. I sped up more. I saw a huge puddle and started to slow down and then thought, fuck it, and rode through, water splashing on my feet, on my thighs. I felt so free, the wetter I got, the freer I felt, my shirt clinging to me, water dripping off my face, like a kid again when you don't care how you look, don't care what others are thinking, I was free! Sure, I would have eventually got home by taking the slower route, the safer route, but I wouldn't have had as much fun! When you throw caution to the wind and just let yourself get wet, well, that's when it really starts getting interesting.

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