April 12, 2011


The morning commute is starting to get to me. When I first started this job, it was a novelty. The subway? How cute! It goes so fast! How efficient! Now, I dread squeezing myself into its doors, pushing through the people trying to find something to hold on to. This morning I found a spot, pretty comfortable one actually, then noticed I was trapped right opposite this woman with well, lets just say, ample cleavage. Now, I'm not a tall woman, and often I find myself eye-level to such sights and hey, I'm not complaining, but this was awkward. I tried to look around, find something to focus on. I thought: can I swivel around? Is there room, no. I started sweating, it's too hot in here! I unbuttoned my coat. I looked up, maybe there is a funny ad I can focus on, a poem I can read? Something, anything! Oh the humanity! I then noticed a tattoo peeking out from this woman's sleeve. I looked closer to find it was one word, simply written, in script on her wrist, and that word was love.