March 12, 2011

Routinely stumped

I remember when I used to blog a lot. Maybe too much in some people's opinion but regardless, I always had thoughts about something that I felt the need to share. Lately, I haven't been blogging much. I guess I've finally ran out of things to say [cue sighs, applause, desperate sobs]. Truth is having a job is sucking out all of my creativity. Waking up at 7:15 every day is not conducive to noticing the little details of life that I normally love. Now don't get me wrong, I am so happy to have a job, even just to put an end to the Monday to Friday nausea that plagued me for weeks before I got the call saying 'you're hired'. Now, maybe I'm still adjusting to the hustle and bustle of the 9 to 5 commute, the going to bed early in order to rise early. Maybe. Or maybe this is why there are a lot of poor artists out there. I get it, you need time to think, to create, need no distractions. I think for me, it's the routine of it all that is the culprit. It has been said that creativity is the opposite of routine. Now, don't get me wrong, I have my little routines, things I take comfort in. Like for example, having 2 different jams on my bagel (I like the variety of tastes) or blow drying my hair before I get dressed (I get too hot otherwise) or even Sunday phone calls with Mom (retired people still care what day of the week it is — it's their routine). But, these routines please me, I take comfort in them. I am not comfortable with my present Monday to Friday routine. Good thing this is only a contract job and come summer time, I'll be back to freelancing and my old routines of biking to the market every other day, reading on the beach and enjoying that morning bagel at a civilized hour, one side strawberry, the other marmalade, just like it's meant to be.

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