January 23, 2013

Text message break up

Hey tech-savvy friends: What's the etiquette for texting?

I'm constantly annoyed by friends who don't respond for a day or two, or sometimes never at all! Sometimes a friend will text me with a question, I will respond and then nothing! Ahhhhh... YOU TEXTED ME! YOU TEXTED ME!

Do I just let it go? Or should I get new friends? I'm always wondering if my phone is not working. But then I remember that three out of six friends respond back reguarly. So should I just be satisfied with a 50% texting success rate? Does that mean that 50% of my friends are rude? I mean let's face it, it is usually the same 50%.

My girlfriend says I'm crazy and I should just let it go, and I shoot her a "don't be patronizing" look and then she shows me her boobs to try to distract me, but of course it doesn't work because I can't let things go just like she said earlier! I mean, duh! And thus the vicious cycle continues. I can't get past the rudeness of it all—from people who apparently like talking to me! Or do they? I mean don't they? So if you can help me or have any answers to this thing that plages me daily, please let me know. Otherwise I guess I'll just continue the way I have been dealing with this my whole life—well, since texting came around—deep breathing and lots of booze.


  1. Unless their phone is broken, it is incredibly rude to not respond to a text after a day.

  2. I agree!!! but I don't think everyone does!
