January 20, 2012

Will work for inspiration

I am self-employed. I have been for awhile, but recent events have got me thinking it might be time to get a job — or move to Europe. One being the loss of one of my biggest clients (they hired an in-house designer). I started thinking about what I would like to do. Besides the obvious of getting a graphic design job, or something in production. I mean, what interests me, where do I see myself next? I began thinking about jobs I've had in the past and remembered some of the well, more interesting ones. Oh, you want me to tell you about them? Ok, I will. Here goes. A long time ago, a young, fresh faced Jenny answered the call to protect her community. She stepped up, swallowed her pride, put on a big security shirt and some mittens and guarded a container of frozen turkeys at the local Safeway. I was turkey security. You see, one year before Xmas, there was a scare, someone had been injecting turkeys with poison, so they hired a whole whack of young people to stand around 'guarding' these turkeys so no funny business could occur. Twelve - 8 hour shifts in a row in the freezer section later — I couldn't look at a turkey for months.
Next came this friend of mine who worked for a market research firm. Their company was studying cigarettes. They needed people to conduct a 'smoking study'. This entailed wearing lab coats, interviewing subjects that took home a pack of different cigarettes each day. Needless to say the kind of people this attracted as subjects were, well, interesting. The subjects came in and we asked them questions about the cigarette's taste, it's draw, how fast or slow it burned, etc. Of course all of us went on the study too. Hey, free cigarettes for 2 weeks AND we got to wear a cool lab coat! We would have dance parties during slow periods and of course, chain smoke — hey, we had to! I can't say I couldn't look at a cigarette again, but hey, how can you compare cigarettes and turkeys? They really have little in common. Although both jobs left me with a sore throat. Anyway, my dear blog readers, please keep me in mind if you hear of some job that is interesting, wacky or creative, it might just be right up my alley.


  1. I think you should stay in Toronto and write a book! You're hilarious and an excellent writer! Sure to be a bestseller!

  2. aw, well you are stuck with me for now!!!
