May 15, 2011

Another nostalgic Sunday

So I woke up this morning. Well, my cough woke me up for the millionth day in a row...but I digress. So, anyway, I woke up and after some juice and coffee I went to the computer to listen to some music. From one band to another, I found myself listening to Saint Etienne. Now if you don't know them, Douglas Coupland described them as follows: "The sounds of the city are the sounds that bring us news of love and adventure. And this is the sound of Saint Etienne — a sound that is both utterly metropolitan and effortlessly clean. It is the sound of love without blame, and hope without conditions." So, a few YouTube videos in, I decided I might as well put on one of my Saint Etienne CDs. I grabbed 'Finisterre', opened the case and saw a yellow post it note stuck inside. It was a little love note from my ex, the one I moved here from BC to be with. At the time we were together, this album was playing on repeat in my house. This note was written the night before she left and it would be a few months before we were to see each other again. Seeing it made me feel nice, made me remember all the good back then. Just like looking at old photographs and remembering that moment in time, those few lines brought back our entire relationship. So, I played the whole album, fondly remembering, until the last track ended and I put the CD back in its case, sticky note in tact, until next time, when I need to remember again.

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