January 31, 2011

Instant anxiety

I sent a current lover a racy pic of me yesterday. I didn't get a response for a few hours. Now, I'm a relatively confident woman, but during those few hours I thought many thoughts. Here they are, in no particular order.
1. Is it too racy?
2. Is it not racy enough?
3. Did the message even go through?
4. Is this affair over?
5. Did I send it to someone else?
6. Is my phone working?
7. Is my lover dead?
8. Am I dead?
9. Do I need to lose a few pounds?
10. Do I need to gain a few pounds?
11. Did I dream all of this?
12. Has the world ended?

Techno-anxiety? Those lapses of time, pauses before we hear back — It happens with texts, emails, on msn — Where anything is possible in those moments and anxiety reigns supreme. Now, in the 'instant age' an hour feels like a year. Imagine it's really only 150 years ago when you sat for a racy pic of yourself in some photography studio, waited for development and then waited for the Pony Express to deliver to your love. Come on Jenny, a little patience.


  1. The "wait" is the most painful part about dating / wooing (yeah... just wrote wooing).

  2. hey I ask people if 'they are an item' and if 'they are keen on him' all the time. So woo away!
